Topic: this or that
rnelson Member
posted 03-23-2009 08:15 PM
The rules:1. Answer the question. (forced choice) 2. Optional - provide an explanation 3. Ask a new question.(Forced choice). Here is an example: Evening scrapbooking or Celine Dione concert? My answer: Scrapbooking - only because you'd have access to scissors with which to torment whose ever idea it was to either spend an evening scrapbooking or attending a Celine Dione concert. Notice I went for the optional explanation. Games like this are sometimes used by trainers for intro or icebreaker activities, but also for things like values clarification and boundary testing. Now a new question. For example: would you rather be locked in a room with George Maschke or George Costanza? Can be any topic that gains interest and relieves monotony. The trick is not to push too hard into awkward issues that would chase off would-be participants. An example of such excess might be: would you rather polygraph your mother or mother-in-law? You get the point. Far too personal and invasive. Here is a more tame subject: would you rather be stuck in a snow storm on Vail pass or stuck in a dust storm in the northern Arizona desert? R
------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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Barry C Member
posted 03-24-2009 09:03 AM
No.Next question? IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 03-24-2009 12:16 PM
Hey, where's the fun in that.You gotta play by the rules. Here's another. Vista or XP? r ------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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YLIE2ME Member
posted 03-24-2009 01:29 PM
Northern Az dust storm....will be over before you know it, and your not likely to freeze your @#$ off.Vista, but I liked XP alot better, not as many quirks!!! New question.... Comfort of SUV or mileage of compact?? IP: Logged |
ebvan Member
posted 03-24-2009 01:55 PM
SUV because it would be much more effective for running over George Maschke.Here's one Waterborading Terrorists or Dead U.S.Citizens? IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 03-24-2009 02:52 PM
Easy there.It's not as if there any real taboo subjects in a game like this. Anything is fair game, but it works better if you get some momentum first, that way people will jump in and answer before they realize their fly is open. Too much too fast and all you get is people trying to be invisible. The point is to not chase people off, by: 1) pulling their pants down too quickly in a public place, or 2) stepping on traditional polemic topics of politics, religion, or anything else that would spoil a good holiday meal. The idea would be to keep the topic alive for as long as possible - just bump it now and then when the momentum dries up in this otherwise interesting forum dries up. Try this one: Crayons or Sharpies? r
------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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AD Member
posted 03-24-2009 03:47 PM
I'll take crayons...they are easier to clean up...Here's one... Salt OR Pepper  IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 03-24-2009 05:16 PM
Yes, please.Next? IP: Logged |
ebvan Member
posted 03-24-2009 05:19 PM
SaltIt tastes better with Tequila. Beer or Wine? IP: Logged |
detector Administrator
posted 03-24-2009 05:46 PM
BEER! You can't chug wine and who has ever heard of wine goggles? Just doesn't work.Democrat or Republican (that's a joke ray  seriously Climb a mountain or spelunk a cave ------------------ Ralph Hilliard PolygraphPlace Owner & Operator Be sure to visit our new store for all things Polygraph Related IP: Logged |
Bob Member
posted 03-24-2009 05:49 PM
Beer- night after wine drunks is roughHarly Davidson or Goldwing? IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 03-24-2009 07:21 PM
Mountain - less bat guano shovelhead or panhead?
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Bob Member
posted 03-24-2009 09:39 PM
Shovelhead- just sounds sturdier than knucklehead.Cadillac or Hummer? IP: Logged |
detector Administrator
posted 03-24-2009 09:50 PM
The 'tool time' side of me says hummer, but I gotta choose the cadillac. There is just something enduring and classy about a cadillac.In a burrito.... Black Beans, Charro Beans or Refried Beans IP: Logged |
ebvan Member
posted 03-25-2009 05:11 AM
Black BeansYour Cadillac will smell better, Silly Putty or Play-Doh? ------------------ Ex scientia veritas IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 03-25-2009 12:56 PM
Silly putty. Easier to get out of carpet, and makes a better Pinnochio nose. Hawaiian shirt or bowling shirt? ------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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ebvan Member
posted 03-26-2009 10:56 AM
C'mon guys this is too much fun tp kill or allow it to die.Hawaiian Shirt. It provides it camouflage against the wallpaper when your wife is hunting for you in a tiki bar and there is no embroidered name over the pocket that would allow the waitress to rat you out for any alcohol generated impropriety. James Bond or Inspector Clouseau? Not the new guys Connery and Sellers ------------------ Ex scientia veritas IP: Logged |
detector Administrator
posted 03-26-2009 06:53 PM
Bond...IMO Sean Connery IS the only real James Bond. All the rest are or pinochle? IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 03-28-2009 09:40 AM
I dunno. Sellars/Clouseau's karate chop might be too much for Connery/Bond. Have you seen how he handled Kato's sneak attacks...And who plays Pinochle? Who would ever stay up half the night, smoking cigars, drinking whiskey, and BSing your friends over a game of Pinochle? And who ever hear of a pinochle room in the back of a pool hall? All the Freudian implications are just wrong, compared to Poker. Magnesium-chloride or salt and gravel? ------------------ "Gentlemen, you can't fight in here. This is the war room." --(Stanley Kubrick/Peter Sellers - Dr. Strangelove, 1964)
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stat Member
posted 03-28-2009 11:03 AM
salt and gravel.MAG-Chlo is nasty stuff---causes "battery effect" on every kind of steel (that's corrosion to you and me) and i get tired of hearing myself telling my kids to stop touching the stuff---"it isn't diamonds boys, it's yucky--dropit now" diamonds or gold? [This message has been edited by stat (edited 03-28-2009).] IP: Logged |
wjallen Member
posted 03-28-2009 11:10 AM
GoldStay away from a girl's best friend hurricane or tornado IP: Logged |
ebvan Member
posted 03-28-2009 11:51 AM
Hurricane. You always get several days warning and can get away unless your are stupid. This one is a little deeper. Regarding the full spectrum of mans inhumanity to man... Depressing Knowledge or Blissfull Ignorance? Or if that one is too deep for you. Big Mac or Quater Pounder with cheese. IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 03-28-2009 05:42 PM
Depressing Knowledgeat least you have an explanation for all those symptoms of everyday anxiety. The blissfully ignorant---who also have deep anxieties walk around annoying people with no clue why. "The Godfather" or "Goodfellas" IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 03-28-2009 07:17 PM
Quarter pounder Kafka or Dickens?
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rnelson Member
posted 03-28-2009 07:17 PM
Quarter pounder Kafka or Dickens?
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ebvan Member
posted 03-28-2009 07:39 PM
GoodfellasDickens as in "who in the Dickens was Kafka?" Halo 3 or Pong? IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 03-29-2009 11:52 AM
PongI may be wrong, but I think Pong was the last video game that DIDN'T cause seizures. Pinto or Pacer?
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Bob Member
posted 03-29-2009 08:54 PM
Pinto- it gives a visual of having horsepowertwo door or four door? IP: Logged |
YLIE2ME Member
posted 03-29-2009 11:38 PM
Pacer - real easy to drop in any of the AMC V-8's and have some real ponies.four door - if its a truck white meat or dark meat? ------------------ Willis "No matter who says what, don’t believe it if it don’t make sense." Bix Bender IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 03-30-2009 06:52 PM
white meatit's easier to tell whether or not it's cooked thoroughly. blind or deaf?
[This message has been edited by stat (edited 03-30-2009).] IP: Logged |
rnelson Member
posted 03-30-2009 07:18 PM
which begs the question: cooked or raw? IP: Logged |
YLIE2ME Member
posted 03-30-2009 08:47 PM
definately deaf - I'm affraid of the darkcooked at least enough to take the chill off it. Rib Eye or T-Bone? IP: Logged |
Barry C Member
posted 03-30-2009 08:55 PM
Oh that's easy. Even I can't keep silent any more:Rib-eye - just one taste and even a vegetarian will be hooked. ... and for a side... baked or fried? IP: Logged |
YLIE2ME Member
posted 03-31-2009 08:41 AM
Ok just as easy - FriedCabin in the mountains or Condo on the beach IP: Logged |
ebvan Member
posted 03-31-2009 09:23 AM
Condo on the beach Hopefully during thong season Grape Nehi or Welchs? IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 04-02-2009 06:00 PM
Welches.Nehi is nothing more than canned flatulance----a little something about Radar O'Reilly they never revealed. turbocharger or supercharger?
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rnelson Member
posted 04-05-2009 02:59 PM
flatulence, superchargers... took yer kids to the drag-racing flick, eh stat?Supercharger. - just say 'no' to hot gases. Window or aisle? IP: Logged |
ebvan Member
posted 04-07-2009 09:44 AM
Aisle more leg room, at least for one leg. C.V.O.S. or Number Stim IP: Logged |
stat Member
posted 04-09-2009 06:27 PM
stim------shaken, not stirred---er---blind.Rnelson----that drag movie is wayyyy too adult for my lil monkies. But we will be going to real drag races this season. Caddyshack or Animal House? (I choosing between your own children) IP: Logged |
YLIE2ME Member
posted 04-09-2009 08:16 PM
No question - CaddyshackKevin Costner or Kurt Russel as Wyatt Earp? Willis IP: Logged |